Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ...

[Learn from case [effective anti-fraud]] anti-fraud circumstances ...

Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ... I am traveling to distant foreign countries for international financial fraud investigation, cumbersome, sometimes flinch to. In this case, before starting the white-collar crime investigation in the Middle East countries, indicating the matter should know CFE. I is incident in the Middle East was in charge recently, began from the one-mail an anonymous e-mail that the microcomputer under the legal counsel of the company with the United States in Japan (general counsel). In the e-mail, employee of the people who work in the Middle East of the procurement department is collusion with suppliers, stating that shed confidential bid information in return get a kickback has been written. We are, by the investigation spanning week was confirmed facts of this suspicion. When carrying out an investigation of financial fraud alleged in the Middle East, the unique skills and study how to proceed, it is necessary to understand the things that should be considered. I, year in Kuwait, to stay for several months in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, has conducted a lot of research in the Middle East.

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